The Renaissance

Teachers' Guide | Introduction | Architecture | Brunelleschi | Painting
Leonardo's Biography | Leonardo's Genius | Leonardo's Paintings

This is Italy at the beginning of the Renaissance. 

It shows the main centres:

Florence - Milan -Rome


The Renaissance began in Italy in the city of Florence.  

Trade had made Florence rich.  All sorts of goods were traded with many distant lands.


Florence was also a very important banking centre.

Many rich people became patrons. This meant they gave commissions for paintings or other works of art.


Florence was also a very important banking centre.

One family, the Medici, became so rich and powerful that it took over the government of the city.


They began to build new palaces in a new style of architecture.



What changes took place in the style of painting?

What changes took place in the design of their buildings?

Who were the geatest artists and architects of the time?






Your Task is to to find the best sources by touring the World

You will examine the evidence and come to your own conclusions




Teachers' Guide | Introduction | Architecture | Brunelleschi | Painting
Leonardo's Biography | Leonardo's Genius | Leonardo's Paintings