Datalogging in Science

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Teacher Guidelines


Teacher Guidelines

Target Audience:........................Transition Year Science Students

Style:............................................Open-ended investigations
Method:........................................Datalogging (but can adapt for other equipment)
Brand of Datalogger:..................Data Harvest was used but all others would suit.

List of 20 investigations:............. 20 investigations
List of Sensors used:.................. Sensors
Use of .......................................... SetUp.
Print a copy of Guidesheets........One for each student.

How could this site be used?

1. Divide a class of 24 students into 8 working groups of 3. Give each group a datalogger and a computer and whichever sensors they need. Select the 8 investigations that appeal most and print the relevant guide sheet for each. Each week the groups can rotate and undertake a different investigation. This reduces the cost of sensors and other equipment to a minimum. (Low spec computers are quite capable of handling the software involved in datalogging).

2. Use one computer, one datalogger and a range of sensors to do the investigations as a whole-class activity with a data projector if available to enhance the visibility for all.

3. Select whichever experiments can be done with conventional laboratory equipment that you have and do those.

Science should be about observation, enquiry, exploration, experimentation, investigation, etc. Datalogging offers new and attractive opportunities to bring science to life and to appeal to young people who are increasingly exposed to and comfortable with technologically.

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